The Secrets of Second Beach is out today, so I thought it might be a good time to share what a typical day looks like when I’m deep in writing mode.
I’ve always been a morning person, but probably not in the way most people expect. I’m usually awake between 2:00 and 3:00 AM, brewing a cup of coffee and easing into the quiet start of the day.
For the first half-hour, depending on my mood, I’ll either listen to an audiobook or a podcast. My podcast interests are pretty varied, but lately, I’ve been on a history podcast kick—there’s something about diving into the past that helps wake up my brain before I start shaping the future of my characters. I’ll often catch up on current events, too, to feel a bit more connected to the outside world.
By 3:30 AM, I’m in my writing chair either brainstorming, outlining, drafting, or editing. Those early morning hours are my most productive since everyone else is asleep—well, apart from Pearl, my corgi, who often follows me downstairs and keeps me company while I write. She usually ends up falling asleep in my lap or on the couch. At that time of day, there are almost no distractions, no notifications, just a quiet space to focus.
I’ve always liked the idea of being the kind of person who can work in a bustling coffee shop, but in reality, I sometimes need noise-canceling headphones even in my own home office. Those 3:30 AM writing sessions are the best way for me to stay productive when I have tight deadlines.
I usually write until about 6:30 AM, when it’s time to wake up my son for school. The next hour is spent with him—making breakfast, chatting, and getting ready for the day. Once he’s off to school, Pearl knows it’s officially time to play. That’s when we head out to the yard to play frisbee. She has almost endless energy, so we have several fetch sessions throughout the day.
Then it’s back to work. In the late morning and afternoon I handle emails, Facebook and other social media, calls, and meetings with my assistant, Kianne, along with all the other behind-the-scenes tasks that come with being a full-time author. By noon or one, my workday is usually done. After that, I either go for a walk with Pearl or a swim, depending on the day.

A beach trip with Pearl.
Most days, I pick up my son from school at 3:00 PM. One of the biggest reasons I like working so early is that it gives me the freedom to be fully present for family time in the afternoons and evenings. After school, we settle into a relaxed routine—whether it’s handling household tasks, playing video games with my son, cooking dinner, or just spending time together as a family.
If we haven’t already had a beach trip in the morning, we often head to the beach with Pearl in the evenings. Walking along the beach and playing with Pearl while talking through plot points with my wife is one of my favorite ways to brainstorm. Some of my favorite storylines have started as conversations during those walks.
In the evening, my wife and I might open a new bottle of wine with dinner—lately, we’ve been exploring Italian and Spanish wines, though I’ll always love my Washington and California favorites. By 5:00 or 6:00 PM, I’m winding down, usually watching a show or movie. Dinner happens early in our house, and if I’m not asleep by around 7:00 PM, something’s gone terribly wrong. 🤣
My schedule is a bit unusual, but it makes room for what matters most to me—family, writing, and, of course, keeping Pearl happy.
My latest release, The Crime Beat, is available now in ebook, paperback, and Kindle Unlimited on Amazon, with signed copies coming to my website in just a few weeks. You can also find my Thomas Austin and FBI S.W.O.R.D. series on Amazon, with signed copies already available on my website.